Custom Metal Signs Are Still An Effective Advertising Medium

By Margaret Carter Although digital advertising now rules the modern fast-paced, tech-centric world, outdoor signs are still important, es...

By Margaret Carter

Although digital advertising now rules the modern fast-paced, tech-centric world, outdoor signs are still important, especially for brick-and-mortar businesses. Research indicates that conventional signage still plays a huge role in grabbing the attention of potential customers. As such, custom metal signs are one of the most crucial marketing strategies for local businesses.

Incorporating the color schemes used on other promotional items into your sign can work wonders for your business. This is mainly because viewers will easily recognize your brand whenever they see the sign, not to forget the great first impression it will form. Custom signage also tends to be unique, which means it could potentially grow into a local landmark. This kind of status is known to work excellently in boosting the flow of customers into business premises.

According to experts, close to 90% of a business's clientele usually live or work within a 5-mile radius of the premises. Having a monumental sign will not only make your business easy to locate, but it also ensures your brand remains engraved in the viewer's mind. This increases the likelihood that the person will think of your business the next time they need the kind of commodities you offer.

Compared to other advertising methods, outdoor signage is a great, cost effective visual marketing medium. A substantially larger number of people are likely to see your sign than can hear your ad or see it in print. Besides, you also have a larger degree of flexibility in tailoring the signs according to your needs.

When designing a custom sign for your business, it's very important to keep the layout simple and easy to understand. Keep in mind that the medium doesn't offer the same luxury as magazines and websites, where viewers are looking at your ads from one foot away. Your sign need to be clear and concise to quickly catch the eyes of passers-by, as well as effectively delivering your message. You only need to use the essential information about your brand. To make the sign more impactful, leave spaces around the edges of the design elements.

To make your message stand out, use fonts that complement each other. Using fonts with varying weights, height and color is a great way to prioritize certain parts of your message. Some of the information you may want to highlight include your contact details and the call-to-action as well. This is especially crucial if you're creating roadside signs that will be viewed from a longer distance.

The most visible color combinations in outdoor signage include black on white, yellow on black, white on blue and black on yellow. Decide which of these high-contrast color combinations will match your brand and go well with your target audience. To further enhance the visibility of your sign, try to contrast the colors of your design with those found in the particular environment where your sign will be located.

When it comes to striking a good first impression with potential clients, custom outdoor signage is arguably the perfect solution. That said, you still need to take time in properly outlining your signs. The most important element to consider is how well the design portrays your brand.

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Custom Metal Signs Are Still An Effective Advertising Medium Reviewed by Quốc Bình on 14:44:00 Rating: 5

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