Things To Know Before Buying American Bulldogs For Sale

By Jessica West Quite a few people you know probably own pets as of now while you are reading this article. Seeing as to how happy these p...

By Jessica West

Quite a few people you know probably own pets as of now while you are reading this article. Seeing as to how happy these people are it has given you an inkling that perhaps you can be happy with a pet as well. Recently you have seen an American bulldogs for sale sign and you are now thinking of getting this breed as your starter pet. But before you do take this leap, finish reading this article first so that you can have an informed decision later on.

Physically this dog is much larger than the English bulldog and of course longer legs. It is much stockier, stronger looking and has a large head. This breed came about as it was developed by migrants who came over to help in farm work in the United States, usually to assist in helping get rid of feral pigs and other pests.

Historically there are quite a few variations, but only two stand out as the most common. One is called the Standard or Performance type and has a squarer head and larger muzzle, while the Bully version has a shorter muzzle but with a much heavier and larger build. A third type, called the hybrid, is a mixture of the two.

Although classified as a working class mastiff, this breed is however quite good to have around children as long as they have been socialized early. While young they do tend to be quite aloof but should mellow with age. They require a lot of attention however due to their highly emotional personalities.

This dog is not really fit for indoor living unlike its French and British counterparts. As it was formally bred for farm work it will require its share of daily walks plus plenty of space for it to move around in. One may find it hard to make it adjust to small space living. So if you live in the city it may be better for you to get another breed more suited to small space living.

Should you have set your mind on this dog, be prepared for slobber, and lots of it. This is particularly true if you get the bully type. Either way, both types are easier to groom as they have generally smooth and short coats. They also shed fur very moderately so you will not have much problem with regards to having fur all over the place.

The dog will also have it share of medical complications and problems. Most complications that this breed will encounter will be bone cancer, hip dysplacia, and cherry eye. It will also be prone to its share of allergies so you will definitely need some health regimen or plan given by your veterinarian. On average they live anywhere from ten to fifteen years.

Covered in this article are some needed items that you should mull over prior to getting this dog breed. Definitely there are other items for you to consider as this list is by no means exhaustive, but suffice it to say that this is useful base information for you to consider on your road to a final and informed decision.

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Things To Know Before Buying American Bulldogs For Sale Reviewed by Quốc Bình on 12:02:00 Rating: 5

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